
Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance

Community Advisory Board

The IEDA2 Community Advisory Board (CAB) will help the project team stay closely connected to those it serves and to focus activities on tools and data of the highest priority to the Geosciences, and specifically the Geosciences samples community.

CAB Membership

Membership is balanced to represent the primary domains and stakeholders served by IEDA2, including

• Geochemistry (high-T and low-T)

• Petrology

• Mineralogy

• NSF funded science programs (e.g., SZ4D, CONVERSE, CZNet)

The CAB should also incorporate experts in cyberinfrastructure design and development and in data repository operations. The CAB should be as diverse and inclusive as possible, including early career scientists, women, members of historically excluded minorities, and international representation. It will aim for membership from a range of colleges and universities, geographically distributed across the US, and researchers and academic instructors.

Members serve three-year terms. In the first instance, membership terms will be variable to allow for a phased rotation.

Current CAB Members

Kristi Wallace, USGS Alaska Volcano Observatory - Chair

Graham Edwards, Trinity University - Co-Chair

Cailey Condit, University of Washington

Behnaz Hosseini, Montana State University

Matt Jones, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis

Katie Kelley, University of Rhode Island

Anirudh Prabhu, Carnegie Science

Chad Trabant, EarthScope

Penny Wieser, University of California, Berkeley

CAB Charge

Nominate a CAB Member

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Funded by US National Science Foundation (NSF).
Hosted at the LDEO of Columbia University.

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