
Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance

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Framework for FAIR Data Communities

Building a Framework for FAIR Data Communities

At the heart of the Framework for FAIR Data Communities is the delivery of services that address the requirements of IEDA2 communities:

● Improve discovery and access of data, samples, and tools relevant to the community.

● Simplify and support the sharing of FAIR data, i.e. data that comply with community-specific best practices and with requirements of persistent access and archiving at trusted repositories.

These services are the primary functions that we aim to provide to communities with a community specific ‘Information Portal’ that will be hosted on the IEDA2 website as its sustainable home.

The Framework for FAIR Data Communities will be developed by building on and connecting existing cyberinfrastructure resources to the degree possible. Specifically, we are targeting those databases, repositories, and tools that are already in use by a given community.

What are IEDA2 communities?

IEDA2 strives to continuously align and optimize its services in support of the evolving research needs and scientific priorities of its user community. 

Our user community is diverse because the sample data and metadata we hosts and curate span many research fields in the Earth, Ocean, and Environmental Sciences. Geochemical, petrological, mineralogical, and other related data are acquired for many different scientific purposes, by a large variety of methods, and on different sample types.

IEDA2 offers users a way to group and build communities around specific data types or scientific themes to develop and promote data best practices and enhance access to data for a specific research community.

Communities have been established in EarthChem since 2020. IEDA2 communities build on this effort to create spaces that offer tools and resources which can be aggregated across IEDA2 systems and partners.

FAIR Community Prototype - TIP

The initial prototype will be designed to serve the Tephra Community: The Tephra Information Portal (TIP). It will offer functionality for community-specific discovery and access of distributed resources (Discovery & Access Portal DAP), and a Collaboration Space and Data Submission Hub (Co-DaSH) for researchers to store and analyze data, collaborate, and submit data to distributed repositories relevant to the community. These features will be integrated into a website alongside content about community best practices.

IEDA2 FAIR Data Communities

Image of ash cloud dispersing during 2011 Eruption of Shinmoedake, Japan. Attribution:
Tephra Information Portal
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Funded by US National Science Foundation (NSF).
Hosted at the LDEO of Columbia University.

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