
Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance

Mission and Scope

IEDA2 is a unique collaborative data infrastructure that develops and operates services for the sharing and access of data generated from Earth and environmental sciences samples in the field and in the laboratory. IEDA2’s collaborating systems are EarthChem, LEPR/traceDs, and SESAR2. IEDA2 is funded by the US National Science Foundation (Cooperative Agreement NSF).


IEDA2’s mission is to advance discovery & innovation in the Earth, Ocean, and Planetary Sciences by facilitating and promoting open, reproducible, and transparent science practices that enable discovery, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of Earth Science data in alignment with the FAIR Principles (Wilkinson et al. 2016).

Focus on Earth & Environmental Samples Data

IEDA2 publishes and archives a wide range of research data from Earth and environmental sciences research with a focus on geochemical, petrological, mineralogical, geochronological, and volcanological data generated by the study of material samples. IEDA2 builds on a solid foundation of our 20+ years’ experience in developing and operating cyberinfrastructure for samples and samples-based data, which included the development of data models for sample-based observations and the creation of the IGSN as a persistent identifier for physical samples.

IEDA2 is working to create the Next Generation Data Infrastructure for Geosciences samples to provide a central discovery and access point to linked Geoscience samples and sample data. 

Collaboration as a Guiding Principle

IEDA2 recognizes collaboration as foundational to developing sustainable data infrastructure for the Geosciences to ensure complementarity, interoperability, and sustainability of Geoscience data systems, to minimize duplication of effort, and to optimize effectiveness and efficiency of system operation, technical developments, and community engagement that drives adoption of data best practices.

IEDA2 pursues partnerships with domestic and international data systems, specifically those that manage sample-based data; institutions, agencies, and facilities that manage sample collections; science programs and projects that acquire samples and sample data; and community initiatives, professional societies, and other organizations that develop and promote standards and best practices for sample data.  

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Funded by US National Science Foundation (NSF).
Hosted at the LDEO of Columbia University.

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